Standing Committees


The Audit Committee audits the NFDW Treasurer and the Convention Treasurer each year. Joanne Sullivan (CT) is the Chair of this Committee and is also the Board Advisor.


The Budget Committee submits a report to the Executive Board at the first Board meeting. Margaret Weinberger (NJ) is the Chair of this Committee. Joanne Sullivan (CT) is the Board Advisor.


The By-laws Committee reviews proposed amendments and makes recommendations to the Annual Convention with respect to their adoption. Kim Savage is the Chair of this Committee. Kathy Adams (GA) is the Board Advisor. Members include Joyce Petteway and Joanne Sullivan.


The Communications Committee consists of members from each region who submit accurate information for the website and Communicator newsletter and promotes NFDW in social media. Gracie Ziegler (AR) is the Chair of this Committee. Audrey Dempsey (NV) is the Board Advisor.


The Finance and Fundraising Committee shall plan and execute all fundraising with the approval of the Executive Board. Debbie Thompson (OK) is the Chair of this Committee and serves as Board Advisor as well.


The History Committee shall receive NFDW documents for deposit in the Library of Congress every two years. The History Committee members are elected by region in 2021. Jeanne Marszalek (MS) is the former Chair of this Committee. Mary Jenks (MO) is the Board Advisor.


The Legislative Committee shall work with the DNC on pending and proposed legislation, disseminate information to members, and give consideration to the Resolutions passed. Patricia Farley (FL) is the Chair of this Committee. Christine Pelosi (CA) is the Board Advisor.


The Resolutions Committee presents resolutions at the convention. The deadline for submission of resolutions is one month prior to the Annual Convention. Kelly Green (MI) is the Chair of this Committee. Virgie Rollins (MI) is the Board Advisor.


The Administrative Documents Committee shall review and update the NFDW’s major documents including the Policy and Procedures Handbook. Diane Lechner (NY) is the Chair of this Committee. Joanne Sullivan (CT) is the Board Advisor.

Special Committees


The Awards and Scholarships Committee reviews submissions for the awards and chooses a winner for each award. The awards are the NFDW Member of the Year Award, NFDW Humanitarian Award, Outstanding Elected Democratic Woman holding Public Office, Rilla Moran Woods Internship, Agnes Bird Internship, and Emerge Internship. These awards are presented at the Annual Convention. Diane Lechner (NY) is the Chair of this Committee. Gini Ballou (ID) is the Board Advisor.


The Credentials Committee is responsible for reporting and updating the membership at the annual meeting. Gini Ballou (ID) is the Chair of this Committee and serves as the Board Advisor.


The Growth and Development Committee works under the direction of the Regional Directors. Their charge is to increase membership and encourage growth within the organization. President Barbara Faison (NC) is the Chair of this Committee. Regional Directors Audrey Dempsey (NV), Patty Farley (FL), Susan Althouse (IN), and Irmgard Pagan (PR) serve as Board Advisors.


The Minute Reviewers Committee review the minutes of board meetings for accuracy and request any changes that need to be made. Gini Ballou (ID) serves as the Chair of this Committee and as Board Advisor. Diane Lechner (NY) and Kathy Adams (GA) also serve on this Committee.


The Nominating Committee is elected by the membership and recommends a slate of officers from the submissions for office. Members of the committee are to be elected in 2024.


The Presidential Advisors Committee is comprised of former NFDW Presidents who can advise the current President on issues during her Presidency. The members of this Committee are: Angie Elkins (NC), Carol Wilkins (OR), Carye Blaney (WV), Pat Hobbs (CA), Dr. Corrine Anderson (MS), Virgie Rollins (MI), Joanne Sullivan (CT), Susanna French (KY), and Janice Haynes Davis (DC).


The Political Education and Training Committee encourages workshops and political training and encourages women to run for office. Lovie West (MS) is the Chair of this Committee and serves as Board Advisor.


The Rules Committee determines the rules of the Convention. Kristina Dixon (CA) is the chair of this committee. Virgie Rollins (MI) is the Board Advisor.


The Women in Blue (WIB) Committee is an advocacy group to connect with elected officials at both state and federal levels. States are encouraged to have a WIB day in their state and attend our virtual WIB event to advocate for issues important to women. Christine Pelosi (CA) is the Chair of this Committee and serves as Board Advisor.


The Young Women’s Leadership Committee encourages young Democratic women to become involved in the political process and run for office. Kathy Adams (GA) is the Chair of this Committee. Virgie Rollins (MI) is the Board Advisor.